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The Epsilon Chapter of Beta Phi Mu met for its 2013 dinner and initiation ceremony on Tuesday May 9, 2013 at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Durham, NC. Eleven new initiates were inducted and the Achievement Award was awarded in absentia to Craig Willis.

The chapter also elected new officers, as President Donna Nixon and Secretary/Treasurer Sarah Jorda Wagner ended their terms. John Blythe was elected vice president/president-elect and Kimberly Hirsh was elected secretary/treasurer. President Nixon passed the president’s gavel to Emily Jack.

Our keynote speaker was Anne Klinefelter, Director of the UNC Law Library and an Associate Professor of Law.

Download minutes from the 2013 annual meeting. (PDF)


As of 2012, scholarships are awarded during the SILS fall orientation. For recent winners, please see the Scholarships and Awards page.

Achievement award

The 2013 Achievement Award was awarded in absentia to Craig Willis.

New initiates

Welcome to the 2013 initiates!

  • William Cook
  • Martin Gengenbach
  • Dave Ghamandi
  • Emily Guhde
  • Rachel Lerner
  • Susan Metallo
  • Courtney Minton
  • Derek Rodriguez
  • Heather Siekkinen
  • Lisa Simmons
  • Craig Willis
New initiates
Initiates present at the meeting were, left to right, William Cook, Heather Heather Siekkinen, Courtney Minton, and Derek Rodriguez.

Guest speaker

Many thanks to our keynote speaker, Anne Klinefelter. Klinefleter, the Director of the UNC Law Library and an Associate Professor of Law, led the group in a fascinating and interactive discussion of privacy in a changing information environment, with a focus on the role of librarians and libraries in facilitating, enforcing, negotiating, and mediating privacy.

Do we still love privacy?
Anne Klinefelter
Anne Klinefelter

Members and guests

Click on any image for a larger version.

Donna Nixon, Gary Marchionini John Blythe, Gary Marchionini
induction ceremony induction ceremony
new initiates new initiates
new initiates new initiates
new initiates dinner table
dinner table dinner table
dinner table dinner table
dinner table dinner table
dinner table dinner table